Legal notice

​Legal notice

Copyright Notice

​All texts, images and other content published on this website are subject to the copyright of Matrix Technologies GmbH, Feldkirchen/Germany, unless otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast, reproduction or transmission of the content without written approval from Matrix Technologies GmbH is prohibited.


Responsible for content

Matrix Technologies GmbH
Kapellenstraße 12
85622 Feldkirchen (near Munich)

Phone:  +49.89.2000 338 200
Fax:      +49.89.2000 338 400

Managing Director: Greg Wood, Phil Vere
Commercial register number: 150986
Sales tax identification number: DE813895052


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This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics makes use of so-called “cookies” or text files, which are stored on your computer and enable user interaction with website content to be measured and analysed. Information generated by the cookie about your interaction with this website is usually transferred to and stored on a Google server located in the US.

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You can choose to prevent cookies from being saved on your computer by making the appropriate settings in your browser software; however we would like to point out that this might prevent you from using all of the functions of this website.

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